Sunday, November 18, 2012

Artiise Photography 2012

Wow! i haven't been on this website in forever!. I actually forgot about this blog but i googled my name and it came up!! so i went through hell trying to find out what my log in was lol. I think i want to restart this blog thing!!....

 I was reading my old blogs OMG its crazy to see how things were when i first started. so much has changed!!! including my grammar lol idk what i was thinking. Im still not a great writer but i guess back then i was still in my spelling words completely wrong phase lol.... anyways... SO MUCH HAS CHANGED!!! i never finished that studio haha funny i read that though i am once again in the process of getting a studio in brooklyn now!! i have my own website!! and i finally have my dream Camera! well its not a 7D but its a canon lol!! i work alone no more chase just me laydee artiise and of course my work has gotten so much better i do all photography retouching videos booking everything myself!! since i last updated pictures on here! it feels very good to see my progression!! anyway so i guess ill post some new Artiise Photography work :) there is a wholleee lot of work before this but this is just my latest work!